Global Peering
More than 340 Ukrainian and foreign ISPs are using Global Peering from Giganet.UA
Global Peering is a cost-effective service which points to reduce IP transit and network costs by aggregating all kinds of ISPs (e.g. end customers internet providers, datacenters, transit operators, CDNs and clouds) on a single L2 network.
The Global Exchange service is the exchange among the participants who are joined in all cities of our presence:
- Amsterdam (Nikhef DC, Science Park 103), Netherlands
- Warsaw (LIM DC and Equinix DC WA1 al. Jerozolimskie, 65, Netia MIND DC, Jawczyce, Sadowa,5, ATMAN Data Center Warsaw-2, WAW-2, Konstruktorska 5), Poland
- Frankfurt am Main (Equinix, FR5,Kleyerstrasse 90, str.), Germany
- Kyiv, Ukraine
- Odesa, Ukraine
- Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
- Lviv, Ukraine
By connecting to Global Peering service your network will gain:
- L2 connectivity with more than 340 Ukrainian and foreign ISPs and telecom operators.
- No need to negotiate private peering with all our members: just setup BGP session to our routeservers and you will get all their prefixes (and they will got yours) instantly.
- Access to various CDNs (Google, Akamai etc).
- Access to the Root-DNS server E, as well as authoritative nameservers of 57 TLD-zones (including .UA, .FR, .DK and .CAT).
- Flexible management of your traffic with BGP communities, possibility to build selective peering policy.
- Statistics of your traffic flow to other members: SuperStat.
- DDoS protection service with Blackhole, Firewall.
- Access to our LastMile service.
At the moment Global Peering has:
- 340+ members.
- 145000+ prefixes from 17235 autonomous systems.
- 42 - 1GE ports
- 399 - 10GE ports
- 62 - 40GE ports
- 98 - 100GE ports
- Summary exchange traffic bandwidth has reached the 3 terabit per second point.
Giganet.UA growth chart
Traffic amount

Members count